What is your affirmation?

Whatever follows I AM will determine what your experience will be. Invite into your life what you would like to declare and feel with my powerful affirmations and inspirational merchandise!

I am the deeper vibration.

I am the master of my emotions.

I am turning my breakdown into my breakthrough.

I am spiritually aligned

I am the magic.

I am filled with divine inspiration and energy.

I am a powerful creator. I bring all of my ideas and visions to life.

Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.  Everything will get done and all will be ok.

What belongs to me flows to me easily.

All the answers come to me at the right time.

I am turning my passions into blessings.

I believe in instant shifts and miracles.

I am filled with divine courage and confidence.

My focus is my power.

The universe has my back.

Everything I need always comes to me and I gratefully receive.

I trust myself.

I think and speak what I want into existence.

I am in harmony with the truth of who I am.

My work is a prayer for good.

I am committed to my goals and that is why I am unstoppable.

I am limitless.

I am powerful.

I turn my pain into power and my wounds into wisdom.

Everyday I am getting stronger, wiser and full of life force energy.

I am responsible for what I see and believe.

Everything I need is already within me.

I am expecting miracles.

I am limitless, there is nothing that I cannot do or be.

I am the author of my life story.

I am in alignment for all that I want.

I am magical.

I am letting go of thoughts and habits that do not serve me.

I am focused on making deep connections not attachments. 

I am stepping into the infinite potential that I hold.

I own, honor and embrace my connection to the universe.

I am a powerful manifestor.

I know that what I have been praying for is making its way to me.

I am in flow.  I release forced energy.

I trust and follow my inner knowing.

Each time I honor my boundaries I am liberated and filled with inner peace.

I honor my mystical nature.

I am a money magnet.

I am a goddess that radiates divine love and beauty.

I am always being guided and protected.

I am attracting love, money and blessings into my life.

I have the power to manifest the life of my dreams.

I have the courage to keep going.

Gratitude is my everyday prayer.

I am focused on improving, not impressing.

Love is my superpower and strength.

I accept and bless my circumstances.

Everything is always working out for me.

I live within the vibration of pure grace.

When I am my authentic self I am my most powerful self.

I am celebrating all my wins.

I am motivated because I know that greatness is unfolding for me.

I am connected to the infinite supply of abundance and love.

I take inspired action on all my goals and dreams.

Things are aligning for me in spaces and places that I cannot see.

Excellence is my brand.

My energy is my greatest source of power.

I live by a silent inner knowing.

I am golden frequency abundance

My success feels a certain way, it doesn’t look a certain way.

I am bold, passionate and positive.

I am and I will.

I protect what I love and I love myself.

I am peace.

My vortex of possibilities is greater than ever before.

My vortex and magnetism are very powerful.


    Align with the energy of love…it is where your strength and power resides.

    Energies all vibrate at different levels but love vibrates at the highest frequency!

    LOVE is the highest form of energy on the planet!

    When you align and operate from love energy you start to attract more love, miracles into your life and you become from conditions.

    It even has the power to heal and transform negative situations.

    Love energy is so contagious that others will begin to vibrate on the same level.

    Mentally direct pure love and blessings from your heart to others.

    This is your superpower & strength to transform any negative situation and person.

    “Love is an essential ingredient in all miracles as it is only love that heals.  Techniques don’t heal.  Where there is an open heart there is the energy to bring through miraculous and magical energy.  Love is the great transformer.”

    -Sandra Ingerman


    When you are in a grateful energy state You become a magnet for blessings and miracles.

    A daily practice of gratitude has such transformative power.

    Avoid concentrating on what is missing in your life and start focusing on all the blessings you already have.

    It’s even more powerful when you start to writing your gratitudes in a journal. Write 3 or things you are thankful for and witness it’s transformative powers over your life.

    You will begin to realize you don’t need a single thing but just to maintain your awareness of all the blessings that are already surrounding you.

    The magic is in knowing that all you need is all you already have!

    Everyday epiphanies begin to happen and you will find immense joy in the ordinary and mundane.

    “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

    -Meister Eckhart


    Simple. As. That.

    Now just relax and have fun!

    “My heart is at ease knowing that what is meant for me will never miss me, and that which misses me was never meant for me."

    -Imam al-Shafi’i


    Begin trusting & believing in what you can’t see more than what you can see.

    Stay in an expectant state and ready to receive.

    Embrace all the opportunities that come your way.

    AND have as much fun possible because you know all that you desire is making its way to you in the most perfect time!

    “The universe is working in your favor. Everything is happening for you. Feel good about it. Expect good news and great breakthroughs.”

    -Idil Ahmed


    Believe that you will be receiving miracles, break-throughs and blessings everyday.

    Our beliefs & perceptions construct what we see, who we become & what we attract. We shape our lives by our beliefs.

    You are an extension of source energy and for that reason you are already blessed. No matter what is happening, remain hopeful and optimistic by speaking power over your life I’m choosing to only seek & expect miracles.

    By affirming that you are expecting miracles, you begin to walk in faith and trust in the unseen.

    Remember that you are a miracle and therefore you should expect miracles everyday.

    “I am realistic – I expect miracles.”

    -Wayne Dyer


    It's all in your favor!

    Trust your timing, your process and your journey. Things always have a way of working out....sometimes even better than you can imagine.

    Remain grateful and committed to your goals, growth and do the things that make you feel good....keep your vibration high.

    Feeling good and trust combined, allows your blessings to come faster....it is the path of least resistance.

    Everything will always work out for you, even if you cannot see it! Trust that...

    “If we can just let go and trust that things will work out they way they're supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself.”

    -Goldie Hawn